Friday, April 17, 2009

And Now For Something Completely Different...

And who could forget the classic, Sam Peckinpah's "Salad Days?"

In the news...

Amazon takes action against 'some' adult material (and Amazonfail becomes a hot topic on Twitter): The Writing Jungle

Why the first Christian Book Expo failed: Southern Review of Books

Win a free lecture packet from Margie Lawson, who has developed innovative editing systems and deep editing techniques for writers: God Uses Broken Vessels

The Muse Online Writers Conference is this October! Muse Online Writers Conference
(And I'm delighted to announce that I will be doing a one hour chat workshop during the event!)

Ashton Kutcher beat CNN in the race to reach one million Twitter followers: CNN

I had a short article in the Literary Lynnch Pen this week: Literary Lynnch Pen
(Thanks for the opportunity, Lynn!)

Please join me here Monday when I host author Mayra Calvani!!

Also on Monday, I will be featured by new author, Fran Slayton: Fran Slayton
Her interview will follow here next month!

And finally, Friday's thoughts:
"We will face critics at every corner, even more so when we pursue worthwhile goals. Be prepared for criticism and remove personal consideration from the equation. Negative judgment cannot harm us if we refuse to take it personal. Criticism is one fear we don’t want to take with us on the road to success!"
- from "Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK!"


  1. Thanks for the interesting links again. I look forward to checking them out.

    Jane Kennedy Sutton

  2. You rock, Diane!
    Sounds like things are happening for you, and thanks for the links.

    Morgan Mandel

  3. Great links and info, Diane (as usual!)


  4. I'll look forward to the feature. Another valuable post, Diane - thanks for the info and links.

  5. Loved your ending quote. So true!


  6. Thank you Ginger - you should read the book! (*wink*)

    Friday's posts are my favorite - there's just so much interesting stuff happening in the world!

  7. Morning Hawk!

    "Be prepared for criticism and remove personal consideration from the equation. Negative judgment cannot harm us if we refuse to take it personal." Oh so true. I you can do that and realize it's the price of admission, you can continue striding forward to meet your goals.

    I'm going to have to check out the online conference in October. Thanks for sharing that bit of new with us. Of course having a favorite person doing some of the discussions also helps, :-)

  8. Loved the final part also. And you are so right. We can't please all the people all the time. And if we try, we just end up exhausted!

  9. Glad you mentioned the Muse Online Writers' Conference. When Lea and I started it, we never dreamed it would be so big. Of course, Lea is the computer genius behind the project but that doesn't make me any less proud of it. (-:
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
