Monday, March 23, 2009

What Were You Before an Author...?

This week - getting to know Spunky & friends...

Before I began writing and speaking and doing all these crazy author things... I was a professional photographer.

I started over twenty years ago working in various professional labs and for a contracting company. I'd taken photos since I was twelve and this rekindled my goal of becoming a professional.

I began first with black and white, setting up my own darkroom at my house. The first couple years I was mostly doing stock photos for Cat Fancy, Pet Product News and Homes Illustrated. Eventually this branched out into portraits and weddings. I shot both B&W and color, but my primary focus was black and white - so few photographers were still offering this service! I was a 'location photographer' and was always on the prowl for unique spots for photo shoots.

Once the prospect of speaking & authorship appeared, I slowly placed photography as a source of income on the back burner. I still occasionally shoot portraits, and I've even done an album cover, but I do not actively seek clients or jobs. My continued involvement in our local photo club over the past few years has sparked my creativity and now I enjoy taking fun, creative shots! My Deviant Art site is full of 'fun' photos and I've since discovered that outside of cats, close-ups are my favorite.

What did YOU do before becoming an author? Any regrets? And do you still do it to this day?


  1. Wonderful photography! Me? Oh, not much before becoming a writer. Ehm, lets see - thespian, Hippie Rock and Roll traveling musician, nightclub entertainer, Zen Buddhist lay minister, small business owner (construction), skilled trades instructor, network marketer, public speaker and sales trainer, crackhead (yes, you read that right, read my memoirs, I Romanced the Stone), and now full-time spiritual/inspirational writer, blogger and author. You could say I've been around (smile).

    Marvin D Wilson

  2. Marvin, I think they call that "wisdom!"

  3. Not sure if you got my last comment. Darn. I feel silly repeating myself.
    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
    Blogging at Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites pick,

  4. Don't tell me that picture was on Homes Illustrated. Was it a before shot? Great work. I use the automatic feature on my camera, also my Iphone. I'm not that technical, but admire you for your ability.

    Morgan Mandel

  5. Morgan, that one might've been listed as a real fixer-upper!

  6. I was a high school student, worked at the library for a bit. Now I write. :D And do dishes. The second part isn't so much fun.

    I love the photos. I love taking photos, mostly of the scenery back home. I'm not a photographer though, my hands are too shaky. :)


  7. Hi Diane! I was looking around for some authors and I came upon your blog! Pretty cool! :)
    Well, before I was an author?... that's interesting! I'm still in high school, so there's not much! I still love playing soccer and running... :) And, God's still writing my ending! :)

    Taylor J. Beisler
