Thursday, March 19, 2009

And Now For Something a Little Different...

Seeing as it's only Thursday, it's only a little different...

This post is a day early due to a speaking engagement Friday morning. I was invited to give a talk at NCAEOP’s Annual Conference in Greensboro, NC – so think about me during the hours of 9-11am as I speak in front of a crowd of about 1000 people!

Information for writers, authors, publishers – anyone in the industry! Ivan Hoffman is one of the top publishing law lawyers in the country and his site is FULL of information:
Ivan Hoffman

Jane Kennedy Sutton posted a link on her blog to the most beautiful libraries in the world:
Jane Kennedy Sutton

Want to find a book reviewer in your genre? Check out:
Book Connector

Over at Vivian Zabel’s blog, the CPSC and lead law continues to confuse us:
Vivian Zabel

And Prill Boyle featured me today on her blog!
Defying Gravity

The president of the Friends of the Library of Robeson County, NC is seeking one - two more authors for a BIG event on December 5th! If you or someone you know is an established author, particularly in the area of mystery, thrillers, or history, let me know and I will get you her contact info.

And thank you everyone for cheering on my release of “Overcoming Obstacles with SPUNK!” this week!


  1. Have a great speaking engagement. I LOVE speaking (and performing) in front of large audiences, having been a musician/entertainer/thespian in my younger careers and now as an author/speaker as well.

    Break a leg!

  2. Hope you enjoy the conference. I always like checking out the sites you list. What fun to see my name there today! I appreciate you mentioning my blog. Thank you.

    Jane Kennedy Sutton

  3. Good luck on your speaking engagement tomorrow, Diane! It sounds exciting!

  4. You are welcome, Jane! I thought it was fascinating.

  5. Augh, the CPSIA mess is leaving permanent keyboard indentations on my forehead...

  6. Thanks for the recommendations.

    Morgan Mandel

  7. Thank you for the sites you recommend, and congratulations on your speaking engagement, Diane! Hope you enjoy it!

  8. Thanks for the link to Ivan Hoffman. I think I'll share his link with my newsletter readers in an upcoming issue.

  9. I'll be thinking about you on Friday, sending good wishes your way! I know you'll do great.

  10. Diane, I hope your speaking engagement went very well.

    Thank you for mentioning my blog, and, Christina, I know what you mean. The CPSIA debacle is doing the same to me. (looks in mirror at g, h, and j embedded in forehead)
