Monday, February 09, 2009

Kindle 2

Tonight is short and to the point!

This post over at Walt Shiel's blog rather amused me! Maybe it's because I know a few people who are just so fanatical about Kindle that they think it's the ONLY game in town. But at any rate, I wanted to share it with you:

Spent the day making contacts and pursuing contacts and confirming dates and setting dates and booking hotels and packaging up press kits...

I'd say I need a vacation, but my busy season has just begun! Oh well, sleep is overrated!


  1. Ha! That's funny...thanks for the link! I've been hearing nonstop Kindle praise for over a year now and endless Kindle 2 promo this month, so I appreciated reading a difference perspective :).

  2. Very interesting. I'm a Kindle fan--at least from a distance--and have been considering buying one. I'm more enthusiastic than Shiel is about the improvements, but will have to look into his gripe about the wireless network being less than satisfactory. In other words, thanks for the helpful link.

  3. Thanks so much for the link. It was very helpful, especially since I've been considering buying the device for a long time.

  4. hmmm... While this Kindle thing appeals to my love of electronic gadgetry, I don't think it's ready for prime time, at least not on my channel lineup. The “anytime, anywhere” (NOT!) bit is quite an eye opener.

  5. Thanks for the link. I'm not an ebook or Kindle fan, but I still offer my books that way as well as in print. No sense bucking the trend. Hard to make a buck on them though, as an author - they're so cheap the royalties are peanuts.

  6. I'm been thinking about it too. Information is always a good thing.

    Good luck with your gigs and resting!

  7. Pretty straightforward review, thanks for posting the link. It'll be really nice to see how the Kindle changes with better technology/support in the coming years. Until then, I'll stick with the ebook readers on my Pocket PC phone.

  8. For authors I think the real point is that we want to let our readers access our books they want to access them. They are the customers, right? Both The Frugal Editor and The Frugal Book Promoter are available as Kindle books. I'd like to get more of my books on Kindle, too.

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
