Sunday, January 04, 2009

Affiliation Programs & Co-Authors

Setting up affiliations is not a new idea, but the Internet has sure made it easier!
When I conceived the theme of my next book, the idea of involving others in its creation came to mind. I received contributions in the form of quotes from many successful authors, business owners and professionals. It was the seven author who contributed whole chapters that really excited me, though! Those individuals would be eager to promote a book they actually helped to write and increase my marketing reach seven-fold.
And all seven will receive a percentage of the sales driven through their websites & blogs. My publisher set up an affiliation program to track these sales and soon they will offer the book on their site. Twenty years ago this had to be done through mail-order - now it's all automated!
So if anyone is considering co-authoring a book or accepting contributions from others, start getting excited about the possibilities. I was thinking big when I made the decision, but it hasn't really hit me until now just how wild things could become this spring. And not just for me - for my seven co-authors as well! We've all been working a very long time...
After all, as my buddy Trish (p.m. terrell) says - takes a long time to become an overnight sensation!


  1. Sounds like mayhem, but fun!

    Morgan Mandel

  2. I forgot to mention I'm giving you a Your Blog is Fabulous Award on Monday at my group blog at

    Morgan Mandel

  3. You're certainly being creative! Maybe some of that will rub off on me this year.

    Bob Sanchez

  4. Sounds like a great idea! The internet has created affiliates for just about anything. Why not for authors/books?!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wow Diane! It's great to see all of your hard work pay off in such a grand way! Keep up the good work!

    Lynn Tincher

  7. Thanks everyone! I'm all about the chaos, so this will be great.
    And Lynn - you helped!
