Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Virtual Assistants

In my endless research to continue improving both my publishing & promoting seminars and preparations for my own company, I have ventured into the world of virtual assistants. And the occupation is not a bad gig.
Virtual implies just that - an assistant that is not physically there. They are working online for you, probably from the safety & comfort of their own home. And much of what it takes to set up to become a virtual assistant applies to any business. The networking aspect certainly does!
And as I slog through all of the online research that must be done for my series, I certainly can appreciate the value of having an assistant! It's time consuming, tedious, sometimes boring and so unglamourous. And unfortunately, a necessary evil.
Can't wait to get me one of those virtual assistants!


  1. If you haven't found anyone, I'd love to help - online research is my specialty! My blog is http://vacrystal.blogspot.com and my website is http://crystallinnen.com.

  2. When you're ready to find a virtual assistant, I would recommend AssistU at http://assistu.com and the Virtual Assistance Chamber of Commerce (VACOC) at http://www.virtualassistantnetworking.com. As a virtual assistant, I consider these two organizations to represent the best of the best in virtual assisting.

    Laura Jo Richins
    Richins Business Support Solutions

  3. Thank you both for the links! When I am ready, I will certainly check them out in detail.
