Wednesday, February 03, 2021

The Window, The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, and Jo Wake’s Blogfest

First, Dancing Lemur Press is proud to present its latest release, a chilling paranormal that’s perfect for teen boys:

The Window
By Dave Cole

A dark window to the future…

Everything changed the day Brian Bingham looked out the attic window and saw something that wouldn't happen for another week. Through a mysterious window no one else can see, Brian gains a portal into the future. But the future is not always something he wants to see.

Brian has enough troubles in the present without worrying about the future. His parents are constantly fighting, his grades are plummeting, and his new relationship with Charlotte, a girl way out of his league, is in jeopardy.

When the window reveals his best friend's brutal death, Brian’s world is turned upside down. He must find a way to change the future…or die trying.

Release date – February 2, 2021
$13.95, 6x9 trade paperback, 170 pages
Print ISBN 9781939844767 / EBook ISBN 9781939844774
Young Adult – Paranormal / Contemporary Fantasy / Horror

Dave is from St. Louis and has a degree in Computer Science. He is the author of The Math Kids series for middle grade readers. When he is not designing data center management software, he is usually reading, writing, or coaching elementary school math teams. He loves writing and his wife loves that he has found a hobby that doesn't cost money!

Links: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo /Goodreads / Dancing Lemur Press

It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Today’s optional question:
Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere?

I began blogging in 2005 and while the first year or two were a bit of a lonely venture, eventually bloggers began to connect. Since then, I’ve made a lot of friends here, many who have transferred to other social media sites. I’ve done book formatting for quite a few and several have become Dancing Lemur Press authors. I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting at least a dozen blog friends at book events, such as Sheri Ellis, Elizabeth S. Craig, Carolyn Howard-Johnson, Toi Thomas, Alex Cavanaugh, and Jo Wake.

And speaking of media sites, I dumped my Twitter account last week. Their selective censoring policies and infringements on free speech were too much. If you were following me there, you can still follow DLP’s Twitter or me on any of the other platforms listed to the left.

Jo Wake Blogfest

On February 3, we would like all who want to participate to share a recipe that brings warm memories of friendship and love in honor of our blogger friend, Josephine “Jo” Wake, who passed away December 16, 2020. She was a dear friend, full of spunk and I’m fortunate I got to meet her and Matt when they visited N. Carolina about ten years ago.

Jo liked her bananas and ate at least one a day. In her honor, I’d like to share the recipe for the banana bread I bake every Christmas for nearby family and friends. I don’t give out Christmas cards – I give out banana bread cards. Which, I’ve been told, is much better! Everyone looks forward to their annual loaf of banana bread and I thoroughly enjoy making them for my friends.

Diane’s Banana Bread

1 ½ cups white flour
¼ cup whole wheat flour
2/3 cups Splenda
¼ tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
1-1 ½ Tbsp cinnamon
2-3 mashed bananas
1/3 cup applesauce
2 Tbsp almond milk
2 eggs/egg replacer

Mix 1 cup of the flour and ingredients down through the cinnamon. Add bananas, applesauce, and milk. Blend together with mixer for 2 minutes. Add remaining flour and eggs. Pour into greased loaf pan(s) and bake at 350 degrees for 55-60 minutes.

Do you have some special blogger friends or a special recipe?

If you’re looking for a spooky paranormal read, please consider picking up The Window.


  1. I met so many people when I first started blogging, and over the years they've become good friends!

  2. You were the first one I reached out to in this forum. So glad I did! And your energy is contagious!

  3. Great cover for "The Window!" And your banana bread recipe sounds great. :)

  4. Congratulations on the new launch! And such a nice memorial tribute for a fellow blogger.

  5. You have a great blog Diane and pleased I am a follower.

    Take care.

  6. Hi Diane - fun to read ... and Jo certainly loved bananas ... what a great idea to give out banana cards - lovely tribute for Jo. While Dave Cole's The Window certainly has an interesting take on life ... good luck to him ... while your Dancing Lemur Press does many authors a huge benefit - stay safe - Hilary

  7. Love the recipe - I'm a huge banana bread fan as well :)
    Good luck to Dave with the book - looks great!

  8. I've only met two blogging buddies face to face, over Mexican food and margaritas; Angela Brown and Graeme Ing. It was really fun!

    The Window sounds like something I'd read. Congrats to Dave.

  9. That's cool you met Jo.
    Big congratulations to Dave!

  10. Huge congratulations to Dave and his new book. And thanks for all you do, Diane.

  11. Yeah, my first few years were lonely too. It's much better today with all the connections I've met across the globe. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  12. The Window sounds like so much fun!

    I've met so many people blogging, and like you I started out quite a bit ago (2009 I think). I've met people on other platforms but the strongest relationships I made have been through blogging.

    1. Me, too. Most of my Facebook friends I knew long before Facebook.

  13. The Window has a great premise. Congrats to Dave. Sounds like you jumped on blogging early. It may have passed its peak because it's slowed down again now, but there are many other ways we stay in touch with the friends we've made.

  14. I enjoy our connection. I still follow and share DLP on Twitter.
    Mary at Play off the Page

  15. Congratulations to Dave on his book. Meeting online friends in person is always so exciting.

  16. Congratulations to Dave!

    I've met one blogging buddy in person.

  17. That's so sweet that you shared a banana bread recipe in honor of Jo since she enjoyed bananas every day.

    I've made a lot of friends through blogging. I already had friends because I followed blogs for a few years before joining as a blog host at Literary Rambles.

  18. Hi Ms Spunky! It's fun to meet blogging friends in person, isn't it? No reject email yet from Amazon on my review of Dave's book, so maybe it will go up! You were right. 🤞 I have four well-spotted bananas sitting on my cutting board. If they make it until tomorrow, I'll have to try your banana bread recipe. Take care, my friend!

    1. Louise, let me know how they turn out. The secret is the cinnamon.

  19. Congrats to Dave! Sounds intriguing.
    I've been thinking of deleting my twitter account. I use it only for author and writing communities. I hate the thought of FB, Twitter, and media censoring people. Not right!

    1. I toyed with it and then once they censored the president, I knew anyone and anything was fair game. Made it through #IWSGPit and then I was GONE.

  20. Congats to Dave on the new book--It looks great, if not exactly my style (and I'm not exactly the teen boy demographic... huh). I love banana bread, so I'll check out your recipe!

  21. Congratulations to Dave! It's great you have another book that would appeal to boys.

    Sorry to hear about Jo. It's nice that everyone is sharing recipes in her honor.

    I have met several bloggers in person. So glad that I got to meet you!

  22. The Window sounds exciting! I didn't know Jo Wake, but the idea for the blogfest in her honor is perfect. Your banana bread sounds wonderful, too. It's one o'clock here, and my tummy is telling me to feed it :)

  23. Banana bread - yum! I haven't had that in ages. Now I have a craving for it :)

    Dave's book sounds great. Wishing him much success with the release.

  24. I remember Jeff Hargett shared a picture with me on that occasion he met you and Jo and Matt. It was a great picture and I wished I lived closer so I could join you all. That bread looks really tasty. Too bad you can't mail me some. It would have to be big enough for a dragon.

    1. I've contemplated getting dry ice and mailing frozen ones before.

  25. I've always been disappointed with my banana bread, and I think it needs the applesauce. I'll see what happens next time :) Thanks for the tip.

  26. You started blogging in 2005! That is almost grandmotherly of blogging. I started in 2012 and I feel I've been blogging forever.

    1. It does seem like forever. Blogging was SO different back then.

  27. The bread sounds delicious. And I plan to order the book as soon as I get my credit card back. Long story.

  28. wow, you have been blogging for a long time! Impressive :)

  29. Congratulations to Dave.

    Thanks for your sweet recipe in honor of our sweet Jo.

  30. Dave's book sounds like a wonderfully spooky read.
    Stay safe. Be well.

  31. Congrats to Dave on the new release. The Window sounds like a good read.
    It was so cool to meet you in person. That was a good conference.
    Thank you for sharing your Banana Bread recipe.

  32. So sad to hear Jo passed away. She was a dear soul. So glad you met up. Who wouldn't love banana bread in lieu of cards. I love to bake and banana bread is one of my faves - along with carrot cake and everything else!

  33. Great you got to meet so many in person. Beats my 1 lol

    Congrats to Dave on the newest release!

  34. And forgot to say, Dave's new release sounds awesome.

  35. You are the reason I am part of this group and I am thankful for it every day!

  36. Oooh, banana bread. One of my absolute faves. Can never go wrong with banana bread. It's good to see you remembering Jo and the time you got to meet her and Matt (and me). The visit was too short, but then, I suppose time spent with good folks is always too short.

  37. Hi L. Diane.

    Your banana bread recipe looks great! Thanks for the reminder of Jo's blogfest, for some odd reason I thought it was on the sixth. I posted my biscotti recipe in her honor...

  38. Sounds like a good book. That's awesome that you've met so many people!

  39. Thank you sharing the banana bread recipe, it sounds delicious.

  40. Banana bread cards. I love it! The recipe sounds splendid! I haven't cooked with Splenda before. It would be a good first recipe to try with Splenda. I didn't know of Jo, but these kind tributes are a blessing for many, I am sure.

  41. Congratulations to Dave!
    The Blogosphere has been a blessing for so many of us.

  42. Mmm. Banana Bread. :)
    Congrats to Dave!

  43. Wow! Blogging since 2005. Congratulations for keeping up with it for so long. And congrats to DLP for The Window.

  44. Congratulations on blogging since 2005 and thanks for this wonderful recipe in memory of Jo, whom I didn't know but wish I had.

  45. I love banana bread too, and I add a generous amount of chocolate chips because I'm a total chocoholic.

    1. I just bought a copy of The Window. Love the blurb. It sounds amazing.

  46. The Window sounds like a great read -- sometimes YA novels are better than those for adults.

  47. I'm thinking of dumping Twitter, too. Same reason.

    I goofed and posted a month early for Jo. I'm going to miss her.

  48. That's great that you got to meet some of your blogger buddies! I wonder if my son would enjoy The Window.

  49. Yum to the banana bread. And what a lovely way to remember Jo.
